The Revival Movement - Biblical Encouragement, Financial Freedom, Bible Study, Christian CEO, Faith-led Time Management
Are you sick of the side hustle, growing to do lists, and obsessing about how to make more money? Do you want to slow down and seek God first in your business? Is your day consumed with social media strategy, content creation, and email maketing? Would you love to have more time in the day to be more present with your family? Does it seem like even with time management and business systems you still can’t be organized? (I mean, wouldn’t it be great if you had an afternoon free to meal prep?!) Do you know you need to do things differently but trying to figure it out feels too overwhelming? If you’ve said yes to any of these then girl, you’re in the right place! Welcome to The Revival Movement, where we are ditching #bossbabe culture and putting our worth and identity in Christ, not in worldy success. Hey, I’m Beth, wife, mom, bible study enthusiast, and ambitious entrepreneur of 20 years. Even as a Christian woman, I fell victim to the #bossbabe #hustle culture. I was obsessed with making more money, I chased wealth for all the wrong reasons, and it drove me to my knees in total burnout. I finally realized that my dream life, my financial freedom and my purpose rested in God’s hands, not mine. I needed to surrender my business to Him, and once I stopped striving and started seeking, everything changed. I found the peace and purpose I’d been longing for, and I can’t wait to share everything I’ve learned with you! If you’re ready to stop obsessing about making more money, to be more present with your family, and to intentionally seek God in your life and business, this podcast is for you! Dust off that Bible girl, it’s time to stop doing things the way you’ve been doing them and follow Jesus to a dream life far more abundant than the one you put on your vision board!
Tuesday Jul 23, 2024
Tuesday Jul 23, 2024
Tired of constantly planning, strategizing, and stressing about how you're going to make more money?
Is this hustle for your dream life and your vision board making you feel exhausted, and actually, resentful?
Are you sick of feeling like everyone is killing it and you're over here treading water?
How many 7-figure business coaching courses have you paid for? Are they working? Guess what, there is a better business strategy at your fingertips.
Hey love, today is the day where we are going to stop hustling to make more money and try a new faith-focused strategy! I know how hard the struggle is when it comes to feeling like you need to make more money so I’ve put together these three things you can do right now! True financial freedom isn't about money in the bank, it's about finding satisfaction beyond money. So if you’re ready to change your mindset about success, say a little prayer for God to soften your heart and let’s dive in!
P.S. you can join other entrepreneurs just like you in my FREE Facebook community right HERE!
Join in the fellowship and let us know how you enjoyed this episode. See you there! XOXO, Beth
Friday Jul 19, 2024
Friday Jul 19, 2024
I was trying to figure out how to update everyone on all the things on my Instagram and couldn't do it so here it is on this podcast episode!
I am super excited for all the work things coming ahead: Faith-Led Coaching for Christian Entrepreneurs, a Bible Study Course, a Daily Devotional Journal, a memoir (eek!!!), and a Non-Profit..... oh my....
And just a tad about personal stuff, sobriety, starting a workout routine, nothing too earth shattering there but I am sure someone out there can relate.
Thanks for joining this podcast, you can connect with me below!
Come join us in the FREE Facebook community - Making Money With God
You can email me at
Get sobriety inspo from this book - The Naked Mind
Try my favorite amazing at home workouts HERE - Suzanne Bowen Fitness
Friday Jul 19, 2024
Friday Jul 19, 2024
Are you at a breaking point where you want to throw in the towel and quit your job? Do you feel overwhelmed, out of alignment, and trapped in what you're doing in your calling?
I have felt this way too many times and God showed me loud and clear it's a result of me NOT obeying His commands 100%. I had subconciously tried to compromise and manipulate the situation with what I thought I new best.
That NEVER works. Instead of quitting, I decided to make a change no matter how flakey it may make me appear to others. Do you avoid obeying God cause it may not make sense to the outside world? That's a sure fire way to waste our time and energy. A hard lesson that took me way too long to learn, so I hope this epidsode encourages you and keeps you from making the same mistake!
Pop into the FREE private FB group -FINANCIAL FREEDOM FOR BURNT OUT CHRISTIAN ENTREPRENEURS- and let me know if this episode blessed you, I'll see you there! XOXO, Beth
Tuesday Jul 16, 2024
Tuesday Jul 16, 2024
In a world where social media seems like a matrix of fake perfection, how do we know if and when we should post the downfalls of entrepreneurship?
Do you look at everyone else's accounts and think they have it all figured out? Does it leave you feeling like you are a failure? Does the perfection we see on social make you feel like you can't get your shit together?
Social is typically not a real representation of day-to-day business. We often don't post our hustle, our scramble to make more money, the financial stress, the anxiety of not being "good enough," the unhappy customers, or the stuggles with time management (just to name a few...).
Being honest, real, and vulnerable through entrepreneurship is necessary to help build the community, but we also don't want to be a wet blanket all the time.So what do we post? How much of the "real" do we post when it seems negative not uplifting? The secret is here in this episode!
I pray this episode blesses you and gives you the courage to be vulnerable in a social world of "perfection!"
XOXO, Beth
P.S. we'd love to have you in our FREE private Facebook group! Full of entrepreneurs like you who want to ditch #bossbabe culture and work for the kingdom! Join HERE TODAY! See you there!
P.P.S you can follow me on IG @revivalbco
Friday Jul 12, 2024
Friday Jul 12, 2024
Are you feeling stuck? Is fear, doubt, and the the unknown keeping you from making necessary moves to step into your God-given purpose? Do you need to have all the answers infront of you before taking action? What are you gripping tight to that is keeping you from what God wants to give you?
In this episode I talk about the pain of letting go and sacrificing the things we are comfortable with in able to move forward with what God has for us. And of course, moving forward with God is often one step at a time, where we don't get to see the entire blueprint at once. Trusting God isn't always easy, even when we know it's what's best.
If you are used to trusting in your own plan vs. trusting in God's provision, I pray this episode lights your fire with biblical encouragement and honest conversation.
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11
God's plans for you are PROSPERITY, CARE, HOPE, and a FUTURE!
Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. Jeremiah 29:12
When you doubt, pray in His name and He will LISTEN to you!
You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. Jeremiah 12:13
Do a heart audit. Is it aligned with God and what He wants for you? If not, ask Him to show you what needs to change. If yes, SEEK HIM! He's right there waiting for you XOXO.
P.S. we'd love you to join us in the FREE FB community! "Making Money With God is full of entrepreneurs like you wanting to ditch #bossbabe culture and trust in HIS provision. You can join HERE!
Tuesday Jul 09, 2024
Tuesday Jul 09, 2024
This episode is fresh from me returning from our mission trip to the Dominican Republic! There are so many things God showed me there that I get to share with you! One major thing was the importance of making money and it's role in making a kingdom impact. It's true that we don't want to idolize money, but it is also true that it is a necessary tool for certain aspects of service and stewardship.
I talk about how I didn't realize that I needed an attitude adjustment when it came to money, and that I was letting limiting beliefs subconciously keep me stuck.
If God has called you into entrepreneurship then He has called for you to do something audacious. It's time to stop being stuck, stop worrying about being a slave to hustle or idolizing money. God has your business for you to make an impact for His glory so let's make it happen!
P.S if you are looking for a group of women in entrepreneurship who want to ditch #bossbabe culture and trust in God's provision we'd love to have you in our community!
Friday Jul 05, 2024
Friday Jul 05, 2024
In this episode of "Seeking Over Striving," we dive into the importance of setting boundaries and realigning your daily tasks with God's will. I will guides you through a heart audit to evaluate all the priorities in your life, helping you understand why you're doing what you're doing and if it truly serves God's purpose. I shares my personal journey of overcoming the relentless hustle culture and offers practical steps to help you manage your time more effectively while prioritizing your faith and family. Join me in this reflective exercise and discover how to stop striving and start seeking God's guidance in your business and life.
Don't miss out on joining the FREE private Facebook group, "Making Money With God," where like-minded Christian entrepreneurs support each other in finding peace and trusting in God's provision. Tune in and learn how to balance your entrepreneurial spirit with your faith, and find out how to create a fulfilling, God-centered life and business.
Tuesday Jul 02, 2024
Tuesday Jul 02, 2024
I'm cool with vision boards and dreaming about the "perfect forever home," but our minds should always be laser focused on dwelling in the house of the Lord forever.
Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Psalm 23:6 NIV
This is such a beautiful end to this chapter and I love that it's where we get to send our Psalm series on this podcast.
Not only does God pursue us every day, but we will be with Him forever. That is what we need to remember. When it comes to keeping our eye on the prize it's not about dream houses, huge portfolios, and early retirements on the beach. Eternity with God is the ultimate win and guess what, YOU'VE ALREADY BEEN GIVEN IT! whoop whoop!
So you can relax my friend. Stop striving. Let go of control. Cease hustling your way to the top. You've already made it. Step into the calling God has for you, work with integrity, truth, and excellence, and humbly follow Him to the promised land He has for you.
I pray this episode blesses you! If so, join us in the FREE and private FB community, FINANCIAL FREEDOM FOR BURNT OUT CHRISTIAN ENTREPRENEURS and let us know what resonated with you. See you there!
P.S. if you've enjoyed Psalm 23 and want a deeper dive I recommend this bible study!
Psalm 23 - Bible Study Book with Video Access: The Shepherd With Me: Rothschild, Jennifer: 9781430093268: Books
Friday Jun 28, 2024
Friday Jun 28, 2024
Do you find yourself hustling,doing all the things, and striving to prove yourself? Guess what, you don't have to, you're already anointed by your Father.
Where do you seek comfort when you're overwhelmed, burnt out, stressed, and feeling hopeless? Well good news babe, you don't need to meal prep tonight 'cause He's prepared a table for you! Ok bad
Psalm 23:5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anointed my head with oil, my cup overflows. (NIV)
In this episode we will dive into the details of what this verse means and how we can apply it to our lives as entrepreneurs.
What's your biggest worry right now? TIme management? Making money? Not being successful enough? Mom guilt? Not crushing your goals quick enough? Feeling like you can't get it together?
Leave your worries at the door and join the Lord at the table, XOXO.
Did you know I host a private FB group for women in entrepreneurship who want to ditch #bossbabe culture? You can join us at
See you there!
Tuesday Jun 25, 2024
Tuesday Jun 25, 2024
Psalm 23 - Bible Study Book with Video Access: The Shepherd With Me: Rothschild, Jennifer: 9781430093268: Books
You can get the Psalm 23 study I refernce in the link above! Enjoy! Pop in the FB group and let us know how you are liking it if you decide to go through the study XOXO!
Join the FREE private FB group- HERE
The valleys of entrepreneurship can be deep and can feel unending. If you feel like you are in a valley now, or are exhausted and burnt out from clawing your way out of one, this episode is for you.
God is with us in the valleys of small business ownership and His purpose is in them. We may not get to see the end or know the way every step but you can trust Him to follow Him through the unknowns.
Seeking God, finding purpose in your business, and comfort in His presence is possible even in times of uncertaintly. He's got you through every step of your to-do list, struggles, hustles, and worries, you have no need to fear, amen.